There is no doubt that Alfred Hitchcock was a master of telling horror stories. His type of horror stories didn't always contain the science fiction aspect that is often associated with horror, but his tales centred more of the human condition -- like the workings of the human mind. Some might classify his stories as more murder mystery, but there was always more to that in them. They truly should be in the horror genre, dealing with not only murder plots but thriller scenes and pyschopathic characters. Many of his plots were considered 'off-the-wall' but were very strangley compelling.
One of Hitchcock's works that could be classified in the science fiction horror stories genre would be "The Birds", a tale that told of birds that were attacking people. One scene of a woman with her eyes pecked out could certainly be put in with other famous horror scenes.
What one must know about Alfred Hitchcock's works is that his movies were often based on books that he did not write. He simply introduced them in his unique way to the screen to present as horror stories on film.
Here are a couple of Alfred Hitchcock films you may appreciate in the horror stories genre:
Psycho (1960) - based on a novel by Robert Bloch
The Birds (1963) - based on a novel by Daphne Du Maurier
Spellbound (1945) - based on a Francis Beeding novel
Hitchcock also had his own T.V. show for many years, called "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", where he himself appeared to introduce each story. The original series aired from 1955 to 1962 (7 seasons). From 1962 to 1965 it was knows as The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, and then in 1985 a the "New Alfred Hitchcock Presents" series began with a pilot movie and went on for 4 seasons.
Anyone that is into horror stories and thrillers will get a lot of pleasure from watching any of Alfred Hitchcock's stories. They may not all be science fiction horror, but they are all worth watching.
If you are interested in reading other 'off-the-wall' stories, you may like my new series of stories about what can occur in "The Forgotten Shelter", stories centred on the bomb shelters that have been forgotten and left to rot after the initial scare of war bombs creating an apocolypse in the '50's and 60's. Here is the first story in the series, "Shut In", available at:
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